Meet Alison!

Role: Facilitator, Data Analyst

Location: Berkshires, MA

Interests: mountain biking, road less traveled, forests, camping, outdoor communities

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selfie of alison, she has brown curly hair and is smiling

Selfie of Alison hiking outside

Alison has worked to break down barriers and educate others through her current volunteer work as the Berkshire, Massachusetts, chapter president for the New England Mountain Bike Association (NEMBA), which advocates for mountain bike trails and events, as well as a program lead with Little Bellas, a national nonprofit working to empower girls to beat statistics and grow within the world of mountain biking. Alison also worked as an ambassador for SheJumps, whose focus is encouraging women and girls in the outdoors, and as a group program leader for Big Brothers Big Sisters. Alison enjoys working to create systems of support, both in the classroom and the outdoors. She fuses her professional experience as a magazine journalist with her skills as a special educator to encourage access and advocacy through clarity–making information and experiences approachable, understandable, and adaptable to welcome as many people to fully participate in and embrace outdoor adventures as possible. One of Alison’s main focus areas is on bringing a realistic approach to adventure: helping others see that how they experience the outdoors can be tailored to them rather than mirror the expectations of others so that each person feels truly empowered and connected and builds a unique foundation to grow their own outdoor path while connecting with a community they value.